Patrol Rifle® / LPVO / Armorer
Basic / Advanced / Instructor
33825 Plymouth Road, Livonia MI 48150 |Ph: (800) 794-1216|Hours: M-F 10a to 8p / Sat. & Sun: 10a to 6p
Basic / Advanced / Instructor
Basic Patrol Rifle® Operator School 2 days - 16 hours, $514.00.
This school teaches the fundamentals of using the patrol rifle® in the patrol environment using academic and practical teaching methods. Subjects include safety related issues, nomenclature, maintenance, basic rifle marksmanship, introduction to close-quarter battle using the rifle, transitioning to the pistol and rifle retention. Drills include static, dynamic, and interactive evolutions. Emphasis is placed on safe weapon manipulation and judgment in the use of deadly force.
Patrol Rifle® Refresher School: 1/2 day - 4 hours, $102.00.
This school reinforces the fundamentals that the officer learned at their basic patrol rifle® user class. This supplemental training will enhance individual proficiency and help to decrease organizational liability. Instruction is provided using academic and practical teaching methods. Subjects include safety related issues, nomenclature, basic rifle marksmanship, clearing stoppages, low light tactics, working as a team with rifles, transitioning to the pistol and rifle retention. Drills include static and dynamic evolutions. Emphasis is placed on safe weapon manipulation and accuracy in the use of deadly force.
Advanced Patrol Rifle® School: 1 day, 8 hours, $256.00.
This school is designed as a continuing education & training event for proficient patrol rifle® operators. The focus of this training is a review on positional shooting, moving targets, CQB, team tactics, low light engagements and judgment in the use of deadly force using our exclusive scenario based live fire training simulator. Each student will be exposed to numerous live fire scenarios testing their judgment and accuracy while under stress.
Patrol Officer Firearms & Team Tactics Certification: 2-days (16-hours), $514.00.
The use of marking cartridges for scenario-based force-on-force active assailant and MACTAC training is well known to be excellent preparation for violent incidents.
This course takes that preparation a step further by featuring advanced live-fire evolutions with students operating together in teams. The goal of this course is to prepare patrol officers for the realities of close quarters weapon handling during live-fire engagements. We have designed this course to meet the demand of agency trainers who often indicate they don’t have adequate range facilities or enough qualified instructors to safely conduct this critical training. Due to the growing active assailant and terrorist threat it has never been more urgent to ensure that your patrol officers are confident and competent in their weapons skill and handling while working in teams under the most stressful and difficult life-threatening circumstances they will likely ever face.
This training is designed to improve the first responder’s ability to safely and effectively operate as a team against violent offenders by enhancing individual weapon skills and handling, as well as, introducing the fundamentals of team tactics and communication. This is accomplished by progressively advancing from individual skills to dynamic live-fire drills where teams of students work cohesively to reduce, contain or retreat from a threat. Officers will be exposed to live- fire movements as well as maneuvering as a team in order to more effectively and safely gain a tactical advantage during violent confrontations. This course is designed to serve as the live-fire weapons and tactics building block in attaining your agencies Tactical Patrol Officer (TPO) rating. This rating is a national trend whereby first responders are provided with advanced weapons & tactics skills.
AR-15 Armorers School: 2 days / 16 hours, $514.00.
This class uses photos, videos (high-speed videos), animations, cutaways, and discussion to demystify the AR-15 system. Those with no experience on the system will not be left behind, but the important details and more in-depth aspects will definitely be explored. The operating system, bolt group, and trigger group will all be covered and disassembled by students. Barrel and buffer tube change will be explained and demonstrated on a sample gun. With the exception of these two areas, students will be completely disassembling and reassembling their own rifles multiple times. The most common problems, breakages, wear points, and manufacturing deficiencies will be covered in-depth. Little to no time will be spent on non-critical areas such as history, dust covers, and rear sights. The time will be used to make sure students are familiar and comfortable with the things that really matter. Students will be provided with a hand-punch, a 3/16 Allen wrench, and a copy of Patrick Sweeney's book, Gunsmithing the AR-15.
LPVO-(Low Power Variable Optic) Designated Marksman (DM) School: 2 days / 16 hours, $514.00.
This school is designed to enhance a patrol rifle operator’s ability to place accurate fire upon targets that are partially exposed or hostage takers encountered during patrol operations using magnified optics. This level of training is the next progression for law enforcement patrol rifle preparation. It enables an agency to field a group of first responders who have the training, equipment and ability to deliver more precise shot placement than an ordinary patrol rifle operator.
Patrol Rifle® Instructor School: 5 days - 40+ hours, $1019.00.
This school teaches the instructor candidate how to instruct basic rifle marksmanship and officer survival tactics for the patrol environment using academic and practical teaching methods. Instructors should already be proficient with the patrol rifle®. It is recommended, but not a prerequisite, that students should be either a firearms instructor or tactical team member, as students with those backgrounds tend to excel in this course. Graduates of this course will be able to instruct basic rifle marksmanship to the police officer and make educated recommendations to the administration on deployment, equipment, & policy issues for the patrol environment. Every graduate will have demonstrated proficiency in the weapons use from various shooting positions from 5 to 100 yards. Instructors will be exposed to moving targets, shooting on the move, low light survival tactics and shooting, engagement of multiple adversaries, hostage rescue evolutions, judgment and scenario training, and intermediate barrier engagements.
Patrol Rifle® Instructor Re-certification: 1 day - 8 hours, $256.00.
Current patrol rifle® and tactical rifle instructors can re-certify by attending this refresher course. Students are brought up to date on new technical, tactical, instructional and legal information. This course requires that the student demonstrate the ability to safely run the range, teach impromptu classes, and pass CMI’s patrol rifle® instructor written exam and qualification course of fire.